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čik saplɛn radio
čik saplɛn radio, a 24-hour broadcast, was hosted on September 30th, 2023 - The National Day of Truth and Reconciliation.
previous shows on our Youtube Channel
For pre-school to grade one. Hosted at the Tla’amin Nation Daycare by a wonderful language team including our very own co-founder, Koosen Pielle.
“From February 5-7, 2023, members of the čičyɛ Circle participated in a two-day facilitated workshop, in order to continue their work supporting Tla’amin-led Child and Family Services (CFS) reform.”
Jehjeh Media team members were contracted by the Tla'amin Nation, to attend and visually document Child and Family Reform in 2023. A series of one-on-one interviews with the Chichia circle members have taken place and are currently being edited.
Jehjeh Media in partnership with Tla’amin Nation facilitated Reclaiming My Language, a grant offered by First Peoples Cultural Council. The first round ran from September 2022 into 2023, the second round running in September 2023.
6-week intensive course to introduce our team to film editing. Projects now being displayed at Powell River Public Library. Themes: Indigenous Art, Local Stories, Poetry, Plant Knowledge, and more.
previous shows on our Youtube Channel