ʔayʔajuθəm qʷaqʷθatas (information)

ʔaǰɛčɛpʔot təms ǰɛʔaǰɛ / ahjeh-chep-oht tums jeh-ah-jeh

how are you, all our relatives?

jehjeh Media is happy to reshare ʔayʔajuθəm work available to the public. Take some time to look at these other available resources!

ʔayʔaǰuθəm uses the International Phonetic Alphabet for writing.

For an online dictionary of ʔayʔaǰuθəm words and phrases: First Voices , use alongside Dictionary Ap from iTunes.

For your computer:

Download the Keyman First Voices Keyboard

Learn about the Territory we live in:

The Tla’amin Nation  http://www.tlaaminnation.com 

Tla’amin Calendar: http://www.sliammonfirstnation.com/archaeology/13moons.html ʔ

Historical Timeline of Tla’amin: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1KtqMa796ZhnVoQFLqhfpWvUZ9u3zF_xh/view?usp=sharing

ʔəms gɩǰɛ: (Our Land)Traditional Place Names of the Tla’amin Nation: 


To learn more about the Sister Nations to Tla’amin visit:

The Klahoose Nation: http://klahoose.org/

The Homalco Nation: http://www.homalco.com/

Other Media / Creators: